Having been "Online" long before there was a World Wide Web, it is interesting to note that Social Media has been around way before there was Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Google Plus, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, Etc., etc..... We used to have chat rooms and BBS. These were early forms of "Social Media" where people could interact, connect and network. In the early days of being "Online" we would often have parties and gatherings at rented VFW's, clubs and other venues, so we all had a chance to put a face to a name. It was great fun and a fantastic way to meet new people. Valuable personal and business relationships were often formed as a result of these activities.
Fast forward to the present: Just about everyone out there now has some device to get "Online" and uses some sort of Social Media Venue that enables others to interact with them and vice versa. If you query any search engine with "What to post on social media" you find a scant result of vague and generic content which boils down to "Don't talk about yourself and post things that can help others" but the problem is, there is never anything specific. On the other hand, there is a vast plethora of information on what NOT to post. The problem with the theories about what NOT to post have exceptions as does just about anything in life.
Posting "Shameless Self-Promotion" is an example of a "No-no" but if you look closer, these same people always seem to be promoting something or someone themselves and it is usually to their exclusive benefit. Through the magic of the Online World, those with a keen eye and sharp intellect can easily see through the smoke and mirrors. The fact is, we are all different, yet very similar. We all know what TV and Radio is. We all know what a Movie or a Book is. We all eat and drink. The problem is Susie loves to eat lobster, but Ron despises it. Jane loves the latest pop sensation while at the same time, Joe cringes at the mere thought. Becky loves Batman but Bob likes Superman more.
The truth is, there is no perfect "What to post" or "What to share" or "What to like" online because you will always offend someone. You can however, do things that will offend a smaller percentage of people if you step back and carefully look at what others are doing. This brings me back to the "What NOT to post" subject; to which again, there is already a gigantic grab-bag of information out there regarding this, and if you look through a lot of it, you will see a reoccurring theme.
In life, we are always trying to sell ourselves, products and ideas in some way, shape or form and there is no getting around it unless you live alone on a remote spit of sand with a palm tree or two. The best anyone can do is try your best to stay neutral if you don't like something (remember that old saying: If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all)
If you liked this and thought it was either useful, helpful, enjoyable or combination thereof, you may want to read my book entitled "How to win at everything and live forever while simultaneously making the Universe a better place"